Neither Fish Nor Fowl

Although there are many, many online literary magazines for short stories and flash fiction I still often feel as if there aren’t many I want to read or where my work will find a home.

What to do but start one? I’m so lucky to have found @judepickledplum who says an emphatic Yes! to everything and whose mind works in mysterious, joy-inspiring ways. Massive thanks also to Anika Carpenter whose artwork is perfectly attuned to our vibe (as is her writing).

Presenting Neither Fish Nor Foul – subs open 15 June for a themed call of short fiction to be published in October: ‘What Scares You?’ Do read the criteria – this isn’t your traditional Halloween horror call.

Love to have you aboard.

You can find our Editor In Chief on Twitter here: Cap’n Dave – be warned, he’s a maverick soul, but we love him.

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