The Propelling Pencil – Second Place

My flash story Grief Is A Thing with Claws won second place in the Spring 2024 Propelling Pencil Charity Competition. You can read it and the other placed stories below.

Very chuffed, given I know the calibre of the other entrants, the readers and the judge. Also feels like a lesson in not giving up as I dreamt up the first image in 2021 (I think) and have been trying to get variations of the story out ever since.

Main change – apart from I’m getting better at knowing what a story is – is finding a really top notch collection of beta readers (when I was asked to join the group I kept wondering if they’d asked the wrong J Morris – that’s how fan-girly I am about their work).

Anyhow. Love you to read it, pleased to have placed. All the feels.

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